Friday, 21 November 2014

Sculptural art

We are learning about sculpture  -  Art that has shape
First we looked at other artists sculptures.
We saw that some artists make sculptures look like things and others make sculptures with interesting shapes and textures.

Today we explored using dough leaves and shells.
We shaped our dough to use as a base for standing leaves and shells in.
Check our our creations.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

How does sh sound in words

How does "sh" sound in words.

Here are some photo collages to show you....

Monday, 17 November 2014

Words that describe Mary

We are learning about Mary the mother of Jesus.

Here are  some words we came up with to describe her...

Thursday, 13 November 2014

A Cow is a Mammal

We wrote mammal facts about cows together...

Art with what the tide brings in

We Read the book: What Does the Tide Bring In?
Then we made art with things found on the beach.
First we painted our background on cardboard.
Then we put shells and things on and glued them on place.
Check out our creations...

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Facts to 5

The triangles have been learning to add numbers together to make 5.  
We set up photos to show facts to 5.  Then wrote the number sentence and recorded our voice.  


Danny and Riley

Abrin and Tory

How does 'th' Sound in Words


How does th sound in words.  What does it look like?